Keys of Truth: Unlocking God’s Design for the Sexes

Published Date: January 15, 2019

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9.1 x 6.2 x 1.5 inches
English, French



Since the 1960s, the line of distinction between males and females continues to be blurred. Cultures have been confused about the differences in manhood and womanhood, therefore many are unaware of the need to develop masculinity in males and femininity in females. Unfortunately, this misunderstanding has caused much pain and may have pushed women to fight for feminism and men to step down from their position as protectors and providers. Freedom comes when we realize the truth and accept that men and women are different by design and complement one another. As contrary to our current culture, women need men and men need women.

Keys of Truth has taken on the challenge of reversing the idea in modern culture that because of the differences between males and females, we are meant to be adversaries, forever at war with each other and misunderstood by the other. God’s desire is for harmony between the opposite sex, for males and females to work in partnership and to experience healthy communication.

These simple truths can be applied practically to our everyday lives so that God’s design can be embraced, understood, and used to save failing relationships while fostering healthy interactions between the genders. Our hope is that we make an impact on your life or the lives of people you love and care for.


Author Information


Keys of Truth Founder, Speaker, and Author

Cristie Penn is a wife, mom, and teacher with a passion to communicate God’s truths about how our unique gender differences are not weapons for war but rather tools for teamwork that should be celebrated. The vision for Keys of Truth was birthed from Cristie’s 36-year marriage, the adventure of raising her son and daughter, as well as teaching and sharing biblical principles in small and large group studies throughout the past two decades. In recent years, God has sharpened her focus on the dysfunctional interactions between males and females of all ages in families, workplaces, and personal relationships. Her passion is to help these dysfunctional relationships move from frustration to partnership where the love of Christ abounds between the genders.

Certified John Maxwell Speaker, Trainer and Coach


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